Membership Enquiry

Belcanto Singers Bunbury are a community choir who love to sing, perform and socialise together, The choir was founded in 1998 and has just celebrated our 20 years with a successful concert in May 2018. We are actively engaged with the local community, singing at local events and supporting other choral performances. We stage an annual concert in support of Youth Care usually in October, we also sing at christmas around the local shopping centres and other venues.

Our musical director is Suzanne Leclair. Suzanne  joined our choir in May 2018  and continues to develop our sound and capability.
Our practice nights are fun, friendly and relaxed. New singers are most welcome, and are entitled to 3 visits before commiitting to our choir, so come along and give us and singing a go.

We practice on a Tuesday evening at 7pm at St Boniface Cathedral, 3 Cross St, Bunbury. We sometimes have nights off during school holidays.

To enquire about our choir or to join contact:

Suzanne, our Musical Director on 0402789393

or Email us at

Or just come along to practice, we would love to meet you.