Contact Us


Bunbury BelCanto Singers Inc
PO Box 693
Bunbury 6230



President - Harry Cox: 0487846389
MD - Sue Leclair: 0402789393



If you would like to... Visit... Or contact...
Book Bel Canto Singers Bunbury to perform for you Bookings Page Harry Cox: 0487846389,
Visit a rehearsal Rehearsals Page Sue Leclair: 0402789393,
Become a member of Bel Canto Singers Bunbury Membership Page Harry Cox: 0487846389,
Hire a quartet Quartets Page  
Sponsor Bel Canto Singers Bunbury Sponsorship Page Harry Cox: 0487846389,
Contact the officers of Bel Canto Singers Bunbury Officers Page  
Leave a comment about Bel Canto Singers Bunbury in our Guestbook Guestbook  
Explore our Facebook page Visit us on Facebook
Report a problem with our website   Rosie Harrison: 0433256612,
Copyright © 2024 Bel Canto Singers Bunbury